
3 Apps to Prevent Texting and Driving

3 Apps to Prevent Texting and Driving

Sep 28, 2014

Article Archives

It is no surprise that texting and driving has become a catastrophic problem for modern day society. We had enough to worry about while sending our children off on the roads by themselves, and now with texting, it has become even more worrisome. It seems that no matter how many heartbreaking commercials are on the radio and television stations, texting and driving is a deadly habit that many continue to partake in. If your pleads have gone nowhere in your teen driver 's texting and driving habits, you may want to consider downloading one of these 3 apps to prevent texting and driving for good:
  1. DriveOFF €“ This Android friendly smartphone application actually disables texting ability once the vehicle travels more than 10 miles per hour. The FREE app will also prohibit calls and text messages from being received until the car is stopped. The static screensaver that is enabled once the car starts traveling faster than 10 miles per hour will eliminate any urge to pick up the phone.
  2. DriveMode €“ This AT&T application will immediately respond to all text, email, and phone calls with an automatic message that the driver is currently unable to respond. Distracting sounds and notifications are disabled once the vehicle is traveling faster than 25 miles per hour.
  3. DriveScribe €“ This FREE smartphone application puts more control in both the driver 's hands, and their parents ' hands. While it is up to the driver to enable to application, once enabled, the parents will be able to learn about all of their teen driver 's driving habits, including exceeding speed limits. This application will eliminate both text messages and phone calls whenever the car is in motion.
Contact  our agency in Millbrook for all of your New York auto insurance needs. Insuring your teen drivers does not have to break the bank with a comprehensive auto insurance policy through us. With so many auto insurance discounts available to you and your teen driver, guaranteed and affordable security can be in your future.
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