
Does Auto Insurance in Hudson, NY Cover Flood Damage?

Does Auto Insurance in Hudson, NY Cover Flood Damage?

May 30, 2016

Auto Insurance

Does Auto Insurance in Hudson, NY Cover Flood Damage?Flooding in your car can  cause everything from mold issues to engine problems! Is your ride protected by your auto insurance in Hudson, NY?

Many homeowners are worried about their home flooding, but few motorists are concerned about their vehicle suffering flood damage. You should not forget that if the streets are flooded and your garage is knee-deep in water, your car will be damaged as well. Will your auto insurance in Hudson, NY cover it? According to info from the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), floods are the number one natural disaster in the U.S. In fact, all 50 states have witnessed floods or flash floods within the past 5 years. Just a few inches of water from a flood is enough to cause intensive damage to your property €“ including your car! Depending on the severity of the flood, your vehicle can suffer from electrical and computer system failure to airbag and brake malfunction. Even minor flooding can lead to mold, rust, and other corrosion that affect your car 's performance and resale value. Many motorists turn to their auto insurance to help cover the repair costs due to flooding. Fortunately, comprehensive coverage can help to safeguard your wallet if your ride is hit by disasters like floods, falling objects, and more! When you choose this coverage, you 'll be able to select a deductible, or an out-of-pocket cost you agree to pay before your insurer pays for any damages. Many people opt for a low deductible so that mishaps like flood damage don 't cost them more than a pretty penny. It 's important to note that if you don 't carry comprehensive coverage on your car insurance, you 'll likely be responsible for paying for any repairs your car needs due to flood damage. If you do carry this coverage, always notify your insurance company as soon as possible if you think your ride may have suffered some damage from a flood €“ this can prevent further damage! To secure your auto insurance  in Hudson, NY so that you 're not left wading in deep financial debts, contact Lofgren Agency in New York today!
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