
Can Your Renters Insurance Cover Pet Damage?

Can Your Renters Insurance Cover Pet Damage?

Jan 18, 2023

Renter Insurance

If you own a pet, they quickly become a member of your family. When you rent your home or an apartment, it's up to you to make sure your pet does as little damage to your home as possible. Luckily, having a good renter's policy can help you out by providing the two primary types of coverage you will need, including general liability and property damage. There are a few stipulations you will need to be aware of to ensure you are sufficiently covered.

Is Pet Damage Covered by Renters' Insurance?

In most cases, yes. It's important that you let your landlord know about your pet. If you don't mention them, your insurance carrier will not cover any damage they may cause. Letting your landlord know you have a pet and doing everything you can to ensure they do as little damage as possible is important. Your renter's insurance will provide sufficient coverage, but it won't cover every type of claim.

What Types of Pet Damage Are Covered?

Injuries and property damage are both covered by most basic renter's policies. If a pet scratches or trips a guest and they are injured severely enough to require medical care, they will eventually file a claim against your renter's insurance. If your guest and insurance company cannot agree on a settlement, a lawsuit may be filed. If your pet is responsible for causing damage to a neighbor's property, a claim would be filed, and repairs would be made.

Are There Recovery Limits on Pet Damages?

Insurance policies come with caps or recovery limits. Basically, this means that if a claim is filed against your renter's policy and it is upheld in court, your policy will only pay for the amount of coverage you have purchased. If the amount is higher than what your policy will pay for, it will be up to you to pay for the rest out of your own pocket. Choosing a policy with lower coverage amounts may seem like a good buy, but it may end up hurting you in the end.

When Is Pet Damage Not Covered?

There are times when your insurance may deny coverage. This is common if you own a specific breed of dog. Pit bulls and German shepherds are often excluded and will not be covered. When it comes to pet damage, some carriers will only cover damage to someone else's property. They won't cover any damage to your own property. You need to be in control of your pet and take the necessary precautions. This can be using a kennel when you're away or making sure your pet is on a leash when you take them outside.

Cover Your Pets Against Any Damage with Kneller Insurance Agency

When you have questions about renter's insurance and pet coverage, you need to talk to professional agents who can provide you with the most up-to-date information. At Kneller Insurance Agency, we will provide you with accurate information that will help you make the best choice possible when buying renters insurance. We cover all of the subtleties you will need to understand before you buy a policy. Contact us today to get started.

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