
Health Benefits of Listening to Music

Health Benefits of Listening to Music

Jun 27, 2016


Turn on your favorite tune and start reaping the health benefits of listening to music.

New studies have shown that listening to your favorite music doesn 't just lift your mood and remind you of your first dance at your wedding, but that it actually has health benefits. The right notes can dampen the appetite, relax blood vessels, and improve brain focus. It turns out there are substantial health benefits of listening to music. Not convinced? Read on! Your favorite tune keeps you calm. Listening to your favorite music can lower anxiety and stress. This is because the pieces of music are familiar and comforting. Mood music makes you eat less. Jazz music is said to make you eat slower. In turn, this causes you to enjoy your food more so than you would by wolfing it down, as well as consuming less food overall. Bring on the Jazz! Inspiring music improves your mental focus. Uplifting music boosts your mental alertness according to research. When young adults were given a task that required intense concentration, they did better while listening to the bright classical music than the slow and somber pieces. Music soothes and relaxes your blood vessels. Listening to your favorite music for 30 minutes each day can improve your blood vessel health €“ even for those with heart disease problems! Research found that patients who cued up tunes while they exercised experienced the greatest cardiovascular benefits. Hearing music increased production of nitric oxide, a gas that helps to dilate blood vessels, keeping them healthy and flexible. Group singing makes you happy. There 's more to those cheerful Christmas songs than you think! Those who sing in a choir or sports team report feeling happier than those who belt out tunes solo. There 's more reason to skip your shower singing session to save for an adult choir group! The insurance professionals at Lofgren Agency hope that you turn up your favorite song and start enjoying the health benefits that come along with the music! So that you can thoroughly enjoy life and your future, obtain the peace of mind that it 's protected. Contact us to secure your insurance policies in Hudson and surrounding areas of Hudson.
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