
Top Rules for Car Passengers

Top Rules for Car Passengers

May 29, 2017

Auto Insurance

Rules for Car Passengers

Stay safe in any vehicle with these rules for car passengers.

Car safety is no joke. With roads busier than ever, it 's incredibly important for drivers and passengers alike to adhere to certain safety rules. Precautions are there to protect you, whether you 're the driver or the passenger. When you 're the one behind the wheel, it 's your responsibility to drive safely and ensure that your cargo €“ your passengers, remain safe. Make your next journey a safe one by brushing up on rules for car passengers.

Seat Belts

Always buckle up! Clicking in a seat belt takes two minutes but can save lives. Wearing one can prevent the driver and passenger from being thrown through the windscreen in the event of a crash. If you 're driving, ensure everyone is buckled up before starting the car.


Speed limits are there for a reason. If you don 't get into an accident while speeding, you may face a significant road fine. Have trouble tending to your speed? Follow these tips:
  • Regularly check your speed as you drive
  • Know the limits €“ always take notice of signs
  • Slow your speed as soon as you get into residential areas
  • Remember speed limits are a maximum, not a target

Avoid Distractions

Distractions come in all shapes and sizes. Stay safe with these tips:
  • Mobile phones €“ Using your mobile phone in any way is distracting. Mute notifications for incoming calls, alerts, and texts so that you can concentrate on the road ahead.
  • Children and pets €“ Ensure that your child and pet is strapped in safely at all times so that they cannot move around the car while traveling.
  • The radio €“ Settle on a radio station before setting off so that you don 't fiddle with the dials while driving.

Be Prepared

Keep your car in good condition by regularly checking the car 's lights, tire pressures, brakes, fluids, and oil levels. Make sure that there is always an emergency kit in the car and that you have sufficient auto insurance if there is an accident. Minimize risk by ensuring that you have the right car coverage. For protective  auto insurance  in Hudson, New York,  visit  the team at Lofgren Agency today!
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