Check out these St. Patrick 's Day fun facts!
Most American children know that St. Patrick 's Day is the day to wear green and pinch people, while adults enjoy odd-looking green beer, but few people know what they are celebrating and why the holiday is so important!
To kick off St. Paddy 's Day (tomorrow €“ March 17
th!), here are some lesser-known facts about the holiday!
March 17th is when Patrick died.
Saint Patrick is a saint of the Catholic Church, and his holy day is the day of his death and subsequent entrance to heaven, rather than the day of his physical birth.
St. Patrick wasn 't Irish.
Patrick's parents were Roman citizens living in modern-day England, or more precisely in Scotland or Wales (scholars cannot agree on which). He was born in 385 AD. By that time, most Romans were Christians and the Christian religion was spreading rapidly across Europe.
St. Patrick wore blue!
The original color associated with St. Patrick was blue, but because the Saint preached about the Holy Trinity through the symbol of the shamrock, and Irish are associated with green, it became the most common color connected with him.
100 lbs. of green dye was poured into the Chicago River in honor of St. Patrick 's Day
In 1961! The Chicago River stayed green for a full week.
The shamrock was originally a teaching tool
St. Patrick is said to have used the three-leaved plant to explain the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).
Guinness sales soar on St. Patrick 's Day
Recent figures show that 5.5 million pints of the black stuff are downed around the world every day. On St. Patrick 's Day, that figure is doubled!
The earliest known leprechaun €¦
Appears in the medieval tale known as the Adventure of Fergus son of Léti. Before the 20
th century, the leprechaun wore red, not green. Modern depictions are often based on stereotypes of the Irish.
Lofgren Agency invites you to step up your St. Patrick 's Day facts this year! From the insurance professionals, we hope you and your family have a safe and happy holiday! To secure all of your
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