Although COVID-19 may have changed the world forever, with any change there comes positives and negatives. The positive is that many of us now realize what the important things in life are €“ our health, family, friends, and those who care for us. This Father 's Day, take a moment to think of how to appreciate your dad.
Make dad smile this Father 's Day.
Video call
If getting together in person is not an option, carve out some time to video call your dad and catch up. Discuss your favorite memories and tell him how much you appreciate him.
Plan ahead
If you were going to spoil your dad with a fancy dinner, a game of golf or a road trip away and can no longer do so, think ahead to the future. When restaurants and events get back up and running, promise to take your dad out to treat him to Father 's Day €“ belatedly!
Send him something special
What makes your dad smile? A pun-tastic card? A new set of tools? His favorite beer? Send your dad a special gift that he will truly treasure.
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