
15 Winter Driving Tips to Pair with Your Auto Insurance in Hudson, NY

15 Winter Driving Tips to Pair with Your Auto Insurance in Hudson, NY

Jan 03, 2016

Auto Insurance

auto insurance hudson ny

Winter driving is dangerous! Protect yourself from costly damage with safe driving and auto insurance Hudson NY!

Harsh winter weather conditions like icy roads and snow storms make driving dangerous! Stay safe this winter with auto insurance in Hudson, NY and these winter driving safety tips.
  1. Make sure your car is in perfect working condition. Ensure tires are properly inflated and your brakes  are working properly! That way, you 'll be less likely  to encounter any mechanical issues.
  2. Buckle up! Always wear your seat belt when in any car. Make sure your passengers wear theirs, too!
  3. Don 't use the parking brake in cold, stormy weather unless absolutely necessary.
  4. Avoid using cruise control when weather conditions create slippery surfaces.
  5. Make sure you 're well rested before getting behind the wheel. Tired driving is extremely dangerous.
  6. Warm up your vehicle in an open space. An enclosed area poses a hazard for breathing in toxic chemicals.
  7. Give yourself plenty of travel time. Harsh weather conditions can cause major delays. Allot enough time to get to your destination without added stress and reckless driving.
  8. Keep an emergency kit in your car. In the event you get stuck on the road have blankets, flashlights, food, and water on hand.
  9. Stay in your vehicle if you do get stranded. Your car provides a shelter and keeps you from getting extra lost.
  10. Keep your car 's exhaust pipe clear. A clogged exhaust pipe poses a risk for a carbon monoxide leak.
  11. Keep your gas tank at least half full. It will help avoid a gas line freeze.
  12. Drive slowly! Use caution when driving in winter weather.
  13. When driving in the snow try to avoid stopping as much as possible.
  14. Keep a safe distance between cars when driving in the snow. An eight to ten second gap is recommended.
  15. If you don 't have to go out, stay home!
For added winter weather safety, invest in  auto insurance in Hudson, NY! Contact Lofgren Agency in New York for all your insurance needs!
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